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Hungary, Brazil, United States ... Here are the elections to follow abroad in 2022

The year 2022 will be marked by many elections around the world. The two most important are the legislative elections in Hungary and the presidential elections in Brazil.

The year 2022 will be a rich democratic year in France. The two presidential rounds will indeed take place on April 10 and 24. Two months later (June 12 and 19), the legislative elections will follow. But many countries will have an electorally busy year 2022. This is particularly the case of Hungary, where Viktor Orban is in difficulty by a united opposition, or of Brazil, where Jair Bolsonaro is largely behind in the polls. The JDD takes stock.

Hungary: Can Viktor Orban fall?

Date of parliamentary elections in Hungary: April 2022

Prime Minister since 2010, Viktor Orban faces for the first time a united front of the opposition (Liberals, ecologists, social democrats, extreme right) on the occasion of the legislative elections in April. At the end of a primary, more than 800,000 Hungarians (or 10% of the electorate) chose to appoint the conservative Peter Marki-Zay as leader of the opposition.

During an election rally in November, Peter Marki-Zay, a practicing Catholic and father of seven, called Viktor Orban a "corrupt dictator and traitor to European values, traitor to Christianity", criticizing in particular "hate campaigns against LGBT, Roma and Jews and other minorities ".

Currently, the two parties are neck and neck in the polls. In 2018, Viktor Orban won the legislative elections with 49% of the vote. This had allowed him to pocket two thirds of the seats. The Hungarian electoral system is a mixture of proportional and majority voting.

If elected, Peter Marki-Zay promises to reform the constitution, to cancel the anti-LGBT law passed last summer, which sparked outrage in Brussels. He is also committed to giving same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. On the other hand, he considered that the Hungarian Prime Minister was right to erect a fence to prevent the arrivals of migrants in 2015, seeing it as a "legitimate way to fight against illegal immigration".

Brazil: will Jair Bolsonaro beat the odds? 

Election date: October 2, 2022

Stop or else? Jair Bolsonaro, elected in 2018, is largely left behind in the polls by former President Lula. According to opinion polls, the leader of the left, convicted of corruption and then cleared by the Supreme Court, is given the lead in the first round with a 10 to 27 point lead. Not yet a candidate, Lula could declare himself in the first quarter of 2022.

For his part, Jair Bolsonaro joined the Liberal Party (PL) at the end of November, a right-wing party. Bolsonaro was without a party since he broke two years ago with the one under whose banner he was easily elected at the end of 2018, the very small Liberal Social Party (PSL). However, he could not stand for re-election in October without political affiliation.

The far-right president has reached unpopularity records in Brazil, due to his handling of the pandemic, which has killed more than 619,000 in the country. The Bolsonaro government was notably accused of having "deliberately exposed" Brazilians to "mass contamination", due to the head of state's anti-confinement speech and delays in the purchase of vaccines.

But nothing is over yet. "Bolsonaro's popularity is low, but he remains a strong figure," said AFP Edson Sardinha, editorial director of the Congresso em foco site. "It is too early, a lot of things can still happen", he continues: "Now he has a stronger party which will have significant resources from the electoral fund and a lot of airtime on television. " The virulence of anti-Lula sentiment among many Brazilians should not be underestimated either, underlines the expert.

United States: perilous midterm elections for Joe Biden

Election date: November 8, 2022

Joe Biden will soon face his first midterm elections, traditionally difficult for the ruling Democratic Party. Majority in both houses of Congress, the American president wants to preserve this achievement. But these "midterms" promise to be complicated for the donkey party. 

In early November, the Democrats suffered a scathing defeat in Virginia (50.6% victory for the Republican against 48.6% for the Democrat) for the post of governor while Joe Biden had won by 10 points in the presidential election in 2020. In New Jersey, the Democrats narrowly won in the battle for the post of governor (50.1% against 49.1%), while Joe Biden had won there by 16 points in 2020. 


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