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Why would the FBI never have existed without Napoleon Bonaparte?

In a minute you will find out why the FBI would never have existed without Napoleon Bonaparte.

The FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the famous American criminal investigation service, seen in a ton of movies and series, which fights organized crime. It was named in 1935 but was actually created in 1908 as BOI, Bureau Of Investigation.

Besides, you don't find it strange, the use in BOI as in FBI of the word "bureau", a French word? But there is an explanation for that, because the FBI was created by a man of French origin, Charles-Joseph Bonaparte,  Bonaparte like  Napoleon .

And for good reason it is his great-grand-nephew, the descendant of Jérôme, the youngest brother of  Napoleon , who sent on a mission to the West Indies made a stopover in the United States where he had a son who remained there with his mother. . A son who himself had two, including Charles-Joseph, a brilliant lawyer graduated from Harvard who was appointed to the government by President  Theodore Roosevelt.

Minister of Justice, Charles-Joseph's mission is to fight against crime, except that he has no investigator at his disposal. He then called in officials,  but Congress forbade him to do so. No big deal with the Bonapartes, we have resources. Charles-Joseph then had the idea of ​​hiring 25 special agents that he trained himself, according to the values ​​that have become the motto of the FBI: Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. In French: Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. Which also gives as initials:  FBI  ! Which therefore also means Cops that Bonaparte Invented.

The desire to define what Roger Bastide called the Black Americas led Rodney from the founding event of the transatlantic slave trade. This story begins in Seville, which was the starting point in 1518 of the first slave operation subcontracted to the Genoese by Spaniards living across the Atlantic. 

The Andalusian city was also the seat of the Casa de Contratación which kept the registers indicating the origin, the destination, as well as the volume of the cargo of each slave trader engaging in trade with the West Indies. Drawing on these archives, Rodney took an interest in trafficking networks, censuses and internal migration in Spanish America. 

In addition to Africans transported from Lisbon and Seville to the Americas, the captives left from the Cape Verde Islands or the coasts of Guinea, and landed in Cartagena de Indias, Porto Bello and Veracruz. This first network was gradually doubled by other European networks which require a brief review of the statistical historiography of the slave trade.

Weak between 1562 (first expedition led by Hawkins) and 1672 (creation of the RAC, Royal African Company), the slave trade became a free enterprise under the "fundamental and natural right of the English" when the RAC ceded its monopoly (1698), favoring thus the liberal initiatives of the “merchants adventurers” (Merchants Adventurers). 

From 1699, by transporting more than two hundred Africans to Barbados, Captain Webster inaugurated the some five thousand voyages which made Liverpool the first slave port until 1807, ahead of London, Bristol, Lancaster and Whitehaven ...


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