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Nobody is interested in the nine plots that the Cáceres City Council put up for sale

The auction of public land to build single-family houses in Vistahermosa for which more than 400,000 euros was going to be entered

It was published in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP) on December 10 and the City Council announced it through its official media to give it even more prominence. It was still news. The Consistory was once again putting public land up for sale to try to make cash. In fact, it did so in an area "one of the most interesting in terms of expansion and construction, especially single-family homes," highlighted from the Government team in reference to Vistahermosa. There are located the nine plots that starred in the open public auction less than a month ago and that, finally, has been deserted, as confirmed by the local Executive to consultations TODAY.

These are plots between 141 and 153 square meters and whose buildable area ranges between 160 and 163. Any possible interested party who had acquired one of them could have built a single-family house there with a maximum allowed height of two floors.

"The City Council of Cáceres makes available to the residents of Cáceres part of this heritage that is so successful in view of the promotions that are being carried out in this interesting neighborhood of our city," noted the Councilor for Urban Planning, José Ramón Bello, about this initiative through which they expected to obtain an income of around 400,000 euros. Exactly a minimum of 400,350. Bello emphasized that approximate values ​​for the land had been proposed that were a function of buildability. Prices ranged from € 40,751 to € 45,138.

The plots were disposed of free of charges, including the general urbanization costs of the polygon. The invitation to participate in this public contest, however, has not been successful, something in which the City Council already has experience. In fact, the PSOE when it was in the opposition criticized the PP linking its investments to the possibility of collecting through this formula.

In this case, the municipal budget for 2021 includes income of 292,836 euros destined to defray investments in this way. They appear 90,000 euros whose destiny would be the demolition of the old building in which the civic center of Santa Lucía will be built.

Another 20,000 euros obtained from the sale of land go to the headquarters of the LGTBI Council in Fratres, 25,000 to improve accessibility in Arroyo-Malpartida and another as many for the adaptation of the shelter in San Blas. Through disposals, 25,000 euros are also targeted for improving the sound of municipal offices and 20,000 more for the installation of the biometric personnel system, among others.

Archaeological studies

Since the prices of this municipal land in Vistahermosa do not seem excessive and the area is one of those that is in expansion in the capital, there are not many explanations why the auction has been deserted. In any case, the Consistory has already warned that buyers who intend to promote homes there should comply with the approved partial plan, "specifically the detailed study of block number 22". This implies, admits the Consistory, carry out "a series of archaeological studies prior to the construction of the houses", as advised at the time of publication of the contest.

In the tender specifications itself, it is reported: if after the archaeological survey or during the work "some good of high cultural value appears, its consequences must be assumed by the successful bidders of the plots, without the City Council having to pay any compensation", is affected.


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