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This semi-automatic JR-15 rifle intended for American children provokes the anger of associations

The adult model, the AR-15, is the civilian version of a military-style weapon that was used in a series of killings in the United States.

The JR-15, a rifle specially designed for children modeled on an assault rifle used in several deadly shootings, has recently appeared on the market in the United States , provoking the ire of associations combating violence caused by personal weapons .

It is “the first of many guns that will help adults introduce children to the sport of shooting safely,” according to WEE1 Tactical, which hails the gun on its website “as mom and dad's gun. ”.

The JR-15 (for “Junior”, pictured below ) is indeed only 80 cm long and weighs less than a kilo. Supplied with magazines of 5 or 10 cartridges of 22 caliber long rifle, it was released in mid-January at a price of 389 dollars.

The adult model, the AR-15, is the civilian version of a military-style weapon that was used in a series of killings, including school killings, that shocked the United States.

Shootings are a recurring scourge in the United States where the right to own weapons is guaranteed by the Constitution. Attempts to regulate their sale are often blocked in the US Congress, where the powerful NRA arms lobby wields strong influence.

On December 14, 2012, a mentally retarded youth killed 26 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown , Connecticut, a tragedy that had a profound impact on public opinion.


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