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The politics of “cruelty”

(New York) Tucker Carlson, promoter of the great replacement conspiracy theory, would be entitled to claim authorship of the idea behind the most recent political stunt by Ron DeSantis, Republican governor of Florida and obvious candidate for the presidency of the United States. United.

On July 26, the star Fox News host proposed a way to get revenge on members of the Democratic elite. According to his favorite theory, they seek to "change" the American electorate through immigration. Why not destabilize them by flooding with migrants the city where they are most concentrated, in this case Edgartown, in Martha's Vineyard? In any case, the "diversity" so dear to them is sorely lacking in this high resort where the Obamas have a residence, argued Carlson.

"They're asking for more diversity," he said after estimating "17 people, in total," the number of immigrants in Edgartown. “Why not send them migrants? In large numbers. Let's start with 300,000."

On September 14, Ron DeSantis contented himself with sending two planes full of 50 migrants to Martha's Vineyard. A certain “Perla”, employed by Florida, had recruited them in Texas by promising them the possibility of finding work and accommodation more easily… in Boston.

This same mystery woman had also given them flyers detailing the financial aid and other benefits Massachusetts offers to "refugees."

But these migrants are not refugees. They are asylum seekers. And some of them have harmed their cause, without realizing it, by moving away from the city where their file must be treated.

Migrants have filed a class action lawsuit against Ron DeSantis. A Texas sheriff has opened a criminal investigation into their recruitment. And editorial writers have used the word "cruelty" in denouncing this policy which, according to them, consists of using human lives to score political points. Some even predicted that the maneuver would eventually backfire on Ron DeSantis.

But the Governor of Florida seems to want to put to the test the thesis of journalist Adam Serwer, summed up by the title of one of his essays published in 2018 in The Atlantic magazine and which has since become that of a book: The Cruelty is the Point . The object of the game is cruelty.

In the wake of the separation of migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border, Serwer argued that Donald Trump and his supporters are finding commonality in rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear. .

Ron DeSantis seems to think such an approach can lead him to the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election. But he wouldn't be the only one. The Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, who for several weeks has been sending buses full of migrants to major “Democratic” cities, is likely doing the same calculation.

Both politicians say they want to protest Joe Biden's handling of the southern border, where a record 2 million migrants were intercepted in the first 11 months of the fiscal year (October to September). They know that no other issue mentioned by pollsters besides inflation is of greater concern to Republican voters, many of whom make no distinction between illegal immigrants and asylum seekers.

They also know that some data contradicts their accusations of inaction leveled against the Biden administration. In particular, it carried out more than 1 million evictions during the first 11 months of the financial year, in addition to the million and more evictions carried out during the previous financial year.

But the governors of Florida and Texas don't bother with the details. And Ron DeSantis is probably the one who goes the furthest to provoke the opponent.

Last Tuesday, for example, the Governor of Florida renewed his promise not to allow "schools to twist history to fit an ideological agenda." In the same breath, he traced back to the American Revolution (1775-1783) the questioning of slavery.

“Nobody questioned it before we decided as Americans that we are endowed by our creator with inalienable rights and that we are all created equal. This gave birth to the abolition movements,” he said, according to a video posted on his Twitter account.

Ron DeSantis' statement contains several falsehoods, including the origin of the concept of natural rights, which predates the American Revolution by at least a century, and the United States government's protection of slavery. States, which continued in various ways until the Civil War (1861-1865).

And then there is this extraordinary idea that none of the people held in slavery in the American colonies, from 1619 until the revolution, would have questioned this institution.

Followers of Tucker Carlson and his white nationalism may have taken this idea for granted. The others may have seen it as another form of cruelty.,18420


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