A new leak was observed on the Nord Stream gas pipelines on Thursday, September 29. If Russia and the United States accuse each other, it seems certain that it is an act of sabotage. A fourth leak on the Nord Stream gas pipelines was detected by the Swedish authorities on Thursday, September 29. It is not known for the moment if it had simply not been observed or if it is a new leak and therefore, potentially, a new sabotage. The thesis of the accident being discarded, it is indeed that of sabotage which is favored today. It remains to be seen who would have an interest in attacking the gas pipes laid 70m at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Russia denies and accuses the United States Experts believe that combat swimmers or drones, launched from a submarine, could have intervened. " They put us on a war footing. That is to say, we are forced, with these sabotages, to say to ourselves: 'Nothing is safe anymore'. And so, we have to better manage our installations " consider...